
Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
Special Edition - Discussion of Moral Philosophy - part 3
Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
Tuesday Mar 19, 2013
This edition we continue our joint discussion with Nicholas Bruzzese and our friend Brandon Christen. We continue with my presentation of Theistic Objective Moral Realism in which we touch on: Divine Command Theory, Divine Attribute Theory, The Rebuff of Nihilism, The Price Tag of Rejecting Theistic Objective Moral Realism, Nihilism and Cognitive Dissonance.

Monday Jan 07, 2013
Special Edition - Discussion of Morality part 2
Monday Jan 07, 2013
Monday Jan 07, 2013
This edition of The Freed Thinker Podcast we take a break from our presentation of my response to Jim Merrit's list of Bible contradictions and continue with the second part of what will ultimately be multipart series on the questions of moral philosophy. I am joined by my friends Nicholas Bruzzese from The Skeptics Testament (and who has been a guest on the show before) and Brandon Christian, who many of your may recognize from the TST facebook page.
In this second episode, is part 1 of a discussion that we had about my position - Theistic Objective Moral Realism.
For resources on this book I recommend the following books (later episodes I’ll recommend books, podcasts, and online articles for a little more variety)
Moral Philosophy: A Reader ed. by Pojman
Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity by Gilbert Harman and Judith Jarvis Thomson
Enjoy the show!

Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
Episode 7.1 - Response to Jim Meritt's Bible Contradiction List
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
In today’s episode we begin a new series dealing with Jim Meritt’s list of Bible Contradictions found at the Internet Infidels webpage. We begin by looking at the introductory remarks by the II editor of the post as well as Meritt’s own opening remarks.
Click it! Subscribe to it! Love it!

Thursday Dec 06, 2012
Episode 6.7 - Book Review of Disproving Christianity part 7 - Conclusion
Thursday Dec 06, 2012
Thursday Dec 06, 2012
In this episode of The Free Thinker Podcast we wrap up the presentation of my book review of David McAfee’s book Disproving Christianity and Other Secular Writings. We start with his chapter entitled Atrocities and Absurdities, move on to the conclusion of Part 1 of the book then finish up by looking at the handful of small secularist reflections (really more anti-theistic than strictly secular).

Wednesday Nov 14, 2012
Special Edition - Discussion of Moral Philosophy part 1
Wednesday Nov 14, 2012
Wednesday Nov 14, 2012
This edition of The Freed Thinker Podcast we take a break from our presentation of my book review of David McAfee’s book Disproving God and give the first part of what will ultimately be a 5 part series on the questions of moral philosophy. I am joined by my friends Nicholas Bruzzese from The Skeptics Testament (and who has been a guest on the show before) and new comer to the show Brandon Christian, who many of your may recognize from the TST facebook page.
In this first episode we introduce ourselves and give some of our background and then we survey some of the preliminary concepts that will be needed to navigate through this series.
As a sneak preview this is the content for the next 4 shows:
Episode 2: Tyler argues for Objective Moral Realism
Episode 3: Nicholas argues for Contextualism
Episode 4: Brandon argues for Nihilism…ish.
Episode 5: We respond to YOUR comments and questions! (so keep them coming!)
For resources on this book I recommend the following books (later episodes I’ll recommend books, podcasts, and online articles for a little more variety)
Moral Philosophy: A Reader ed. by Pojman
Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity by Gilbert Harman and Judith Jarvis Thomson
Enjoy the show!

Wednesday Nov 14, 2012
Special Edition Discussion on Moral Philosophy - Part 1
Wednesday Nov 14, 2012
Wednesday Nov 14, 2012
This edition of The Freed Thinker Podcast we take a break from our presentation of my book review of David McAfee’s book Disproving God and give the first part of what will ultimately be a 5 part series on the questions of moral philosophy. I am joined by my friends Nicholas Bruzzese from The Skeptics Testament (and who has been a guest on the show before) and new comer to the show Brandon Christian, who many of your may recognize from the TST facebook page.
In this first episode we introduce ourselves and give some of our background and then we survey some of the preliminary concepts that will be needed to navigate through this series.
As a sneak preview this is the content for the next 4 shows:
Episode 2: Tyler argues for Objective Moral Realism
Episode 3: Nicholas argues for Contextualism
Episode 4: Brandon argues for Nihilism…ish.
Episode 5: We respond to YOUR comments and questions! (so keep them coming!)
For resources on this book I recommend the following books (later episodes I’ll recommend books, podcasts, and online articles for a little more variety)
Moral Philosophy: A Reader ed. by Pojman
Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity by Gilbert Harman and Judith Jarvis Thomson
Enjoy the show!

Thursday Nov 08, 2012
Episode 6.6 - Book Review of Disproving Christianity part 6.
Thursday Nov 08, 2012
Thursday Nov 08, 2012
In this episode of the Freed Thinker Podcast I continue my review of David McAfee's book Disproving Christianity and Other Secular writings. We discuss the chapter entitled "Minor Contradictions" and talk about why I think this chapter fails on nearly all counts. You can also join us on facebook on our group page at www.facebook.com/groups/thefreedthinkerpodcast

Sunday Oct 28, 2012
The Freed Thinker Podcast Episode 6.5 - Book Review part 5
Sunday Oct 28, 2012
Sunday Oct 28, 2012
On this episode of The Freed Thinker Podcast we continue the presentation of my book review of David McAfee's book Disproving Christianity and Other Secular writings. We discuss his chapter entitled Contradictions in Scripture and in Practice in which McAfee attempts to show contradictions in the Biblical texts. To no avail.

Friday Oct 19, 2012
Friday Oct 19, 2012
In today's episode we continue the review of David McAfee's book Disproving Christianity and Other Secular Writings by examining his chapter "Mainstream Theories of Disapproval." As many of you know I am still trying to get the podcast to come up under the search function on iTunes but to no success yet.

Thursday Oct 11, 2012
Thursday Oct 11, 2012
Yes it is an excellent week... TWO episodes this week! You all are so lucky. This episode we continue our review of David McAfee's book Disproving Christianity and Other Secular Writings, 2nd Edition and discuss his chapter "Morality verses Worship". You can also find the new episode on iTunes by searching for The Freed Thinker Podcast in the iTunes store. I look forward to hearing your responses and comments! Click it! Subscribe to it! Love it!