
Saturday Nov 14, 2015
Doctrines of Grace - Total Depravity
Saturday Nov 14, 2015
Saturday Nov 14, 2015
In this episode of the show, we start a series dealing with the Doctrines of Grace (typically called Calvinism). Getting some of these concepts in place will not only help resolve some of the recent debates on Molinism that the apologetical world has been engaged in, but also sets the stage for what I think are more robust and biblical answers to objections based on the problem of evil, suffering, and the "God is a moral monster" brand of argumentation.
For more information visit the blog at www.freedthinkerpodcast.blogspot.com or visit the Freed Thinker Podcast group on Facebook.
Enjoy the show!

Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Reformation Day Discussion: Molinism (Part 2)
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Saturday Oct 31, 2015
Happy Reformation Day everybody!
In this edition of the show, we are actually a Part II of a conversation I had with Rob Johnson of the Apologetics105 blog and podcast. We discuss everything from our eerily similar conversions, to atheistic fundamentalist David McAfee, but the main topics for the show are Molinism, Arminianism and Calvinism.
You can catch Part I of the show by listening to Apologetics105 on iTunes or streaming it from Podbean. For more information on his show, find him on the Apologetics105 Facebook group or from his blog at www.apologetics105.com.
And for those Apologetics105 listeners who are finding The Freed Thinker for the first time, Welcome home to our freed thinking embrace!
Enjoy the show!
For other great podcasts, head on over and visit our friends at The Christus Victor Network at www.christusvictornetwork.com.

Sunday Oct 11, 2015
Atheistically Speaking - A Mulligan
Sunday Oct 11, 2015
Sunday Oct 11, 2015
In this episode, I circle back to some of the things that I discussed with Thomas Smith on his podcast Atheistically Speaking. I wasn't entirely happy with some of my responses so I wanted to flesh them out a little more here. I discuss everything from the literary master of the Bible to the Bible's polemical use of the Enuma Elish.
I also discuss my views on the ever controversial Genesis 1 creation account - this will be a delight to YEC and OEC alike!
If you want to discuss the show you can do so in the comment, visit the blog at www.freedthinkerpodcast.blogspot.com or join the Facebook group page.
Also please consider becoming a sponsor!
As I mentioned, here are some of the sources you can use to look into what I discussed. In addition to these, I recommend looking up a lecture by John Walton called Reading Genesis Through Ancient Eyes.
Various Views:
Genesis Debate: Three Views on the Days of Creation edited by David Hagopian
Reading Genesis 1-2: An Evangelical Conversation by J. Daryl Charles
Did God Create In Six Days edited by Joseph Pipa and David Hall
Four Views on the Historical Adam edited by Ardel B. Caneday
Old Earth Views
Genesis One: A Scientific Perspective by Hugh Ross
In The Beginning by E. J. Young
7 Days that Divide the World by John Lennox
God's Pattern for Creation: A Covenantal Reading of Genesis 1 by W. Robert Godfrey
A Biblical Case for an Old Earth by David Snoke
Young Earth Views
The Genesis Record by Henry Morris
In the Beginning of the World: A Scientific Study of Genesis 1-11 by Henry Morris
Literary/Historical Views
In The Beginning We Misunderstood by Miller and Soden
Kingdom Prologue by Meredith Kline (Framework Model)
The Lost World of Genesis One by John Walton
Genesis 1 As Ancient Cosmology by John Walton
Last Things First by J.V. Fesko
In the Beginning: The Opening Chapters of Genesis by Henri Blocher
Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary by C. John Collins

Sunday Sep 20, 2015
Weapons of Mass Disambiguation
Sunday Sep 20, 2015
Sunday Sep 20, 2015
In this episode I discuss the philosophical concept of disambiguation and the need to be able to disambiguate important concepts when engaging with a different worldview or belief than our own. When atheistic fundamentalists compare God to a Flying Spaghetti Monster, have they made a valid point or are they showing an inability to disambiguate? We will see in this episode of the Freed Thinker Podcast!

Saturday Aug 08, 2015
Interview with Albert McIlhenny
Saturday Aug 08, 2015
Saturday Aug 08, 2015
In this episode I interview Albert McIlhenny of labarum.net on the issue of Jesus Mythicism. We discuss everything from Zeitgeist to Richard Carrier.
I do want to apologize for the sound quality on this episode. For some reason the call recorder for Skype recorded it really choppy. But I think you will get a kick out of it anyway!
If you want to help improve the show, feel free to become a contributor. You $5 monthly donation would help a ton!
Enjoy the show!

Friday Jul 10, 2015
Bible Atrocities - Slavery Part 3
Friday Jul 10, 2015
Friday Jul 10, 2015
In this episode we continue our series on the supposed atrocities that are found within the Bible. We have looked at slavery in the past two episodes dealing with the Ancient Near Eastern cultural context and the casuistic laws found in the Old Testament. In this episode we move into the 1st century and explore how Jesus and Paul interacted with the topic of slavery.

Friday Jun 26, 2015
Bible Atrocities - Slavery part 2
Friday Jun 26, 2015
Friday Jun 26, 2015
In this episode, we continue our look at the Old Testament laws regarding slavery and respond to critical views that say that the Bible condones slavery and the abuse of slaves.

Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Books Are Dogs Now
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
In this episode, I review some recent interactions on various Facebook threads in which the rise and intensification of Atheistic Fundamentalism and Anti-Intellectualism were demonstrably observed.
Here are the links to various lectures and articles referenced in the episode:
Links to the lectures on the history of Science and Religion:
Lawrence Principe - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XFVARio4pAk
Ronald Numbers - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BliF1xcToPk
Allan Chapman – https://vimeo.com/22188636
David Lindberg – https://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/videos/florentine-heretic-galileo-church-and-cosmos
Edward Davis – https://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/center-for-research-in-science/id421902830?mt=10
(That is the link to the iTunes section. I have in mind his lecture “Why History Matters.” I haven’t listened to all or most of the lectures there so I cannot vouch for the quality of the lectures as a whole.)
Link to the Faraday lectures:
Links to Polemics in the Old Testament:
Currid’s book on polemics in the OT - http://www.amazon.com/Against-Gods-Polemical-Theology-Testament/dp/1433531836
Excepts from Currid’s book - http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/polemic.html
An interview with Currid - http://reformedforum.org/ctc281/
Currid’s lectures on iTunes U - https://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/crass-plagiarism/id378879778?mt=10
Other Lectures that I have posted in the thread which they refused to listen to because they are by “creationists”:
Science and Secularization, A discussion between Lawrence Princepe, Ronald Numbers and John Brooke: https://vimeo.com/54400918
Philosophical Breakfast Club and the Invention of the Scientist – A lecture by Laura Snyder: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HY27DpJUF8A
Scientism and the Humanities – A lecture by Roger Scruton: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zF5X9amkH2s
Philosophy and Scientism – A lecture by Peter M.S. Hacker: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jjAFqo67yuU
Science, Scientism and the Public Good – A lecture by Daniel
Robinson: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zkWHZfOGpn8

Sunday May 24, 2015
Bible Atrocities 2.1 - Doesn't the Bible Condone Slavery!?
Sunday May 24, 2015
Sunday May 24, 2015
We return in this episode to the series we had started on the so called Bible Atrocities and will start to address the question, "Doesn't the Bible condone slavery?!" Answering this question may take 3 to 4 episodes as we explore the cultural and historical contexts of Ancient Israel, examine some of the casuistic (case) laws in the Pentateuch, investigate how the New Testament addresses the issue of slavery and servitude in light of the person and work of Jesus Christ found in the Gospel and then wrap up considering the role that Bible played in the New World African slave trade.
For more information you can visit the blog at freedthinkerpodcast.blogspot.com, email me at freedthinkerpodcast@gmail.com or visit the Freed Thinker Podcast group page on Facebook.
If you like what you hear, subscribe and share it with a friend!

Saturday May 02, 2015
A Response to Greta Christina
Saturday May 02, 2015
Saturday May 02, 2015
In this episode we respond to an article by Atheistic Fundamentalist blogger Greta Christina on just what would make her lose her belief in atheism and acquire a belief in God.